Tutorial: Creating a route that creates and converts a website screenshot

Creating a route that creates and converts a website screenshot

Creating a website to image route

  • same as markdown to image except a different preprocess function

Example usage:

<img src="http://localhost:3000/www/preview-image/https%3A%2F%2Fwww.google.com" alt="google screenshot">


  • route url /www/{profile}/{url}
  • input extraction resolves url request param
  • reader returns {url: <requested website url>} object
  • use screenshot-stream to generate image stream from an url

Route mixin

function WebsiteScreenshotPreprocess(SuperClass) {
  return class WebsiteScreenshotPreprocessor extends SuperClass {
    extractInput(operation) {
      return Promise.resolve(decodeURIComponent(operation.request.params.url));

    extractReader(input) {
      return Promise.resolve((operation) => ({url: input}));

    preprocess(operation) {
      return (readerResult) =>
        Promise.resolve(screenshot(readerResult.url, '1024x768', {delay: 1, crop: true}));


class WebsiteScreenshotRoute extends WebsiteScreenshotPreprocess(Image) {
  constructor(conf, method = 'GET', path = '/www/{profile}/{url}', description = 'Profile website screenshot conversion') {
    super(conf, method, path, description);

starting the server

Config.fromEnv().then(config => 
    new Server(config, new AddonLoader(__dirname, {}).load())
      .withRoutes([new WebsiteScreenshotRoute(config)])
      .then(server => logger.info(`server running at ${server.hapi.info.uri}`)));