Tutorial: Creating a hmac validated image conversion route

Creating a hmac validated image conversion route

Creating a hmac validated profile image convert route

  • same as regular profile image convert route
  • uses the validOperation(operation) hook to validate the incoming operation
  • validation via crypto.createHmac('sha256)

Example usage:

<img src="http://localhost:3000/image/preview-image/8ed2a7dcd4837ed6da0fc4cb3f3f5c4acfe8465081cbd1580412638bb057ec4b/https%3A%2F%2Fwww.wikipedia.org%2Fportal%2Fwikipedia.org%2Fassets%2Fimg%2FWikipedia-logo-v2.png" alt="wikipedia logo">


  • route url /image/{profile}/{signature}/{url}
  • generate hash from all request params except the signature param
  • compare generated hash with hash given in signature param

Route mixin

function HmacImageConvert(superClass) {
  return class HmacImageConverter extends superClass{
      const query = qs.stringify(op.request.query);
      const params = qs.stringify(pickBy(op.request.params, (val, key) => key !== 'signature'));

      return `${params}|${query}`;

      return op.request.params.signature;

    validOperation(op) {
      return hmacValidateOperation(op, this.extractDigest(op), this.buildMessage(op));

    extractInput(operation) {
      return Promise.resolve(url.parse(decodeURIComponent(operation.request.params.url)));

Hmac validation function

function hmacValidateOperation(operation, givenDigest, enc) {
  const hmac = crypto.createHmac('sha256', operation.config.CRYPTO.HMAC_KEY);


  const digest = hmac.digest('hex');

  if (digest === givenDigest) {
    return Promise.resolve(operation);
  } else {
    throw new InvalidInputError(`given hash (${givenDigest}) doesn't match expected hash (${digest})`);


class HmacImageConvertRoute extends HmacImageConvert(Image) {
  constructor(conf, method = 'GET', path = '/image/{profile}/{signature}/{url}', description = 'Profile image conversion with additional hmac check') {
    super(conf, method, path, description);

starting the server

Config.fromEnv().then(config => {
  return new Server(config, new AddonLoader(__dirname, {}).load())
    .withRoutes([new HmacImageConvertRoute(config)])
    .then(server => console.log(`server running at ${server.hapi.info.uri}`));