Tutorial: Basic usage

Basic usage

Booting the server


  • clone the flamingo repo
  • run node index.js (If you want to change the default config)

    To change default config, you can use environment parameters. See Config for available environment mappings.

    Note: if you got suggestions on other environment parameter initialization methods, i.e. config files, open an issue.

  • Image conversation /image/{profile}/{url} - convert an image at url location using the profile profile (disabled in standalone setup by setting ROUTES.PROFILE_CONVERT_IMAGE to false)

  • Video conversation /video/{profile}/{url} - convert an video at url location using the profile profile (disabled in standalone setup by setting ROUTES.PROFILE_CONVERT_VIDEO to false)
  • Index / - displays some metadata about flamingo (If DEBUG is true, there's a whole lot more metadata visible) (disabled in standalone setup by setting ROUTES.INDEX to false)

The {url} needs to be base64 encoded. See #crypto for more information on how to encrypt the source url.


By default the /*/{profile}/{url} route accepts an encrypted url. If you don't want to encrypt the url beforehand, you can disable crypto with the CRYPTO.ENABLED variable.

Change these values if you want to use this server in a production environment

  • IV - cipher IV
  • KEY - base64 - cipher key
  • CIPHER - cipher algorithm (default BF-CBC)

Encoding payload

By default, the profile-operation mixin extracts the processing input by decoding the url param using crypto.createDecipheriv (from the node crypto module). The default implementation uses blowfish (BF-CBC) to decrypt a given base64 plaintext and converts it to utf8 (decrypt(debase64(plain))). To generate an expected request you have to encrypt your initial request using base64(blowfish(plain)).

If you want to implement your own input extraction, overwrite the extractInput method. If you want to use an encrypted url, you can change the used cipher, key and iv using config parameters (CRYPTO.CIPHER, CRYPTO.KEY and CRYPTO.IV). To disable the default decryption, set CRYPTO.ENABLED to false.

As a library

  • npm i -s flamingo
  • this is the preferred method if you want to customize flamingo
  • the standalone flamingo setup is already using flamingo as a library (source)

custom routes

// my-flamingo.js
const Server = require('flamingo/src/model/server');
const Config = require('flamingo/config');
const AddonLoader = require('flamingo/src/addon/loader');
const profiles = require('flamingo/src/profiles/examples');
const S3Route = require('flamingo-s3/src/route');

Config.fromEnv().then(config => {
  return new Server(config, new AddonLoader(__dirname, {}).load())
    .withRoutes([new S3Route(config)])
    .then(server => console.log(`server running at ${server.hapi.info.uri}`));