/* @flow */
* GraphicsMagick/ImageMagick image processor module
* @module
* @see https://github.com/aheckmann/gm
* @see http://www.imagemagick.org/
* @see http://www.graphicsmagick.org/
const gm = require('optional')('gm');
const logger = require('../../logger').build('processor/image/gm');
* Function that takes an array with processing operations and returns a function that can be called with an stream.
* The function will return a promise and resolve a stream.
* This stream is converted by gm using the given processing operations.
* @param {object} operation
* @param {function} pipeline Function to generate a transformer pipeline that is used with the incoming stream
* @param {Stream} stream stream containing image
* @returns {Stream} transformed stream
* @example
* image([{ id: 'format', format: 'jpg'}])(fs.createReadStream('sample.png')
* .then((resultStream) => {...})
module.exports = function (operation/*: FlamingoOperation */, pipeline/*: function */, stream/*: {pipe: function }*/)/*: any */ {
if (gm !== null) {
const graphics = gm(stream).options({nativeAutoOrient: operation.config.NATIVE_AUTO_ORIENT});
return pipeline(graphics).stream();
} else {
logger.info('`gm` processor disabled, because `gm` isn\'t installed.');
return stream;