/* @flow */
* Addon module
* Flamingo addons only interact with the base flamingo installation using specified hooks, ie.: `"ENV", "CONF", "PROFILES", "ROUTES", "HAPI_PLUGINS"`.
* Each hook inside an addon must return a function that returns an expected value. To make it easier to change hook names,
* use the exported `HOOKS` from the `src/addon.js` module (ie. `addon.HOOK.CONF`).
* @module
* Hooks to register flamino addon functionality.
* @enum {string}
* @readonly
exports.HOOKS = {
* Hook that allows you to extend environment variable parsing.
* It must export a function that returns an array of configurations, compatible with the `src/util/env-config.js` module.
* See the `env-config` module documentation for more information.
* @example
* exports[addon.HOOKS.ENV] = function () {
* return [
* ]
* };
* Hook that hook allows you to set default parameter for your addon.
* It must export a function that returns an object.
* It will merge the addon config object with the flamingo config (`config.js`).
* @example
* exports[addon.HOOKS.CONF] = function () { return {
* AWS: {
* S3: {
* VERSION: '2006-03-01',
* }
* }
* }};
* Hook that allows you to register additional profiles that are available inside the profile conversion route (`src/routes/profile.js`).
* It must export a function that returns an object.
* @example
* exports[addon.HOOKS.PROFILES] = {
* 'my-profile': function (request, query) {
* return Promise.resolve({ response: { header: { 'Content-Type': 'image/jpeg' }},
* process: [{
* processor: 'sharp', pipe: function (pipe) {
* return pipe.resize(200, 200).background('white').flatten().toFormat('jpeg');
* }
* }]
* });
* }
* }
* Hook that allows you to register additional hapi routes.
* It must export a function that returns an array of route registration objects
* @see http://hapijs.com/tutorials/routing#routes
* @example
* exports[addon.HOOKS.ROUTES] = [{
* method: 'GET',
* path: '/my/route',
* handler: function (req, reply) {
* // handle request
* reply('ok');
* }
* }]
* Hook that allows you to register additional hapi plugins.
* It must export a function that returns an array of plugin registrations.
* @see http://hapijs.com/tutorials/plugins#loading-a-plugin
* Hook that allows you to register additional bunyan log streams.
* Note: As of now, it can't add logs that were generated before the addon is initialized to the addon stream.
* @see https://github.com/trentm/node-bunyan#streams-introduction
* @example
* exports[addon.HOOKS.LOG_STREAM] = [{
* stream: process.stderr,
* level: "debug"
* }]
* Hook that allows you to modify the result from the convert routes `extractProcess` method.
* Useful for i.e. modifying the pipe function that converts the image stream.
* Example adds an Authorization header to the process response.
* @example
* exports[EXTRACT_PROCESS] = function () {
* return (extracted, operation) => {
* extracted.response.header = extracted.response.header || {};
* extracted.response.header['Authorization'] = 'Basic 1234';
* return extracted;
* };
* };